Kawakami C, Naoi T, Sakaguchi M, Spaced conditioned stimulus presentation facilitates the extinction of strong fear memory in mice, BBRC, 718:150071, 2024Jul23, DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2024.150071


Koyama K, Sakaguchi M, Ohnishi T, A noise-robust approach to estimate dimension of sleep EEG in mice using permutation entropy, FUZZ-IEEE 2024, 2024Apr30, accepted


He Z, Vergara P, Tezuka T, Sakaguchi M, Real-Time Detection of Motifs from semi-Synthetic Calcium Imaging Data with Various Noise Types, IEEE EMBC 2024, 2024Apr28, accepted


Vergara P, Wang Y, Srinivasan S, Cherasse Y, Naoi T, Sugaya Y, Sakurai T, Kano M, Sakaguchi M, CaliAli, a tool for long-term tracking of neuronal population dynamics in calcium imaging, bioRxiv, 2023Mar19, DOI:10.1101/2023.05.19.540935, All code available in GITHUB(Link)


Koyanagi I, Tezuka T, Yu J, Srinivasan S, Naoi T, Yasugaki S, Nakai A, Taniguchi S, Hayashi Y, Nakano Y, Sakaguchi M, Fully automatic REM sleep stage-specific intervention systems using single EEG in mice, Neurosci Res, 186:51-58, 2022Oct4, DOI:10.1016/j.neures.2022.10.001


Koyama K, Ito MK, Sakaguchi M, Ohnishi T, Classification of power spectra of EEG by non-negative matrix factorization, Technical Report of IEICE, 121:111-116, 2022Mar29, ISSN:2432-6380


Taniguchi M, Tezuka T, Vergara P, Srinivasan S, Hosokawa T, Cherasse Y, Naoi T, Sakurai T, Sakaguchi M, Open-Source Software for Real-time Calcium Imaging and Synchronized Neuron Firing Detection, IEEE EMBC 2021, 2021Dec9, DOI:10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9629611


Soares LC, Al-Dalahmah O, Hillis JM, Young C, Asbed I, Sakaguchi M, O'Neill E, Szele FG, Novel Gal-3 roles in neurogenesis, inflammation and brain disease, Cells 10:3047, 2021Nov5, DOI:10.3390/cells10113047


Yu J, Naoi T and Sakaguchi M, Fear generalization immediately after contextual fear memory consolidation in mice, BBRC 558:102-106, 2021Jun18, DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.04.072


Tezuka T, Kumar D, Singh S, Koyanagi I, Naoi T and Sakaguchi M, Real-time, automatic, open-source sleep stage classification system using single EEG for mice, Sci Rep 11:11151, 2021May27, DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-90332-1


Carrier-Ruiz A, Sugaya Y, Kumar D, Vergara P, Koyanagi I, Srinivasan S, Naoi T, Kano M and Sakaguchi M, Calcium imaging of adult-born neurons in freely moving mice, STAR Protocols 2(1):100328, 2021Mar19, DOI/10.1016/j.xpro.2020.100238


Vergara P, Kumar D, Srinivasan S, Koyanagi I, Naoi T, Singh S and Sakaguchi M, Remapping of adult-born neuron activity during fear memory consolidation in mice, IJMS 22(6):2874, 2021Mar12, DOI:10.3390/ijms22062874


Ohba A and Sakaguchi M, Contribution of adult-born neurons to memory consolidation during REM sleep, Neural Regen Res 17(2):307-308, 2021Feb1, DOI:10.4103/1673-5374.317966


Koyanagi I, Sonomura K, Naoi T, Ohnishi T, Kaneko N, Sawamoto K, Sato T and Sakaguchi M, Metabolic fingerprints of fear memory consolidation during sleep, Mol Brain 14:30, 2021Feb10, DOI:10.1186/s13041-021-00733-6


Vergara P and Sakaguchi M, Mechanisms underlying memory consolidation by adult-born neurons during sleep, Front Cell Neurosci 14(594401):1-7, 2020Nov26, DOI/10.3389/fncel.2020.594401


Kumar D, Koyanagi I¥, Carrier-Ruiz A¥, Vergara P¥, Srinivasan S¥, Sugaya Y, Kasuya M, Yu T, Vogt KE, Muratani M, Ohnishi T, Singh S, Teixeira CM, Chérasse Y, Naoi T, Wang S, Nondhalee P, Osman BAH, Kaneko N, Sawamoto K, Kernie SG, Sakurai T, McHugh TJ, Kano M, Yanagisawa M and Sakaguchi M, Sparse activity of hippocampal adult-born neurons during REM sleep is necessary for memory consolidation, Neuron 107:552-65, 2020Jun4, DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.05.008, ¥equal contribution, Recommended by Faculty Opinions (DOI:10.3410/f.738073111.793578641), Nat Rev Neurosci (DOI:10.1038/s41583-020-0339-6)

Link for accepted manuscript (including supplemental data).


Maezono E.B.S, Kanuka M, Tatsuzawa C, Morita M, Kawano T, Kashiwagi M, Nondhalee P, Sakaguchi M, Saito T, Saido T and Hayashi Y, Progressive changes in sleep architecture and electroencephalogram in single App knock-in mice and its relations to amyloid-β distribution and learning abilities, eNeuro 7(2):1-14, 2020Apr22, DOI:10.1523/eneuro.0093-20.2020


Srinivasan S¥, Hosokawa T¥, Vergara P, Chérasse Y, Naoi T, Sakurai T and Sakaguchi M, Miniaturized microscope with flexible light source input for neuronal imaging and manipulation in freely behaving animals, BBRC 517:520-4, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.07.082, ¥equal contribution


Koyanagi I, Akers KG, Vergara-García P, Srinivasan S, Sakurai T and Sakaguchi M, Memory consolidation during sleep and adult hippocampal neurogenesis, Neural Regen Res 14(1):20-23, 2019, DOI:10.4103/1673-5374.243695.


Akers KG, Chérasse Y, Fujita Y, Sakthivel S, Sakurai T and Sakaguchi M, Regulatory influence of sleep and epigenetics on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive and emotional function, Stem Cells 36:969-76, 2018. DOI:10.1002/stem.2815


Purple R, Sakurai T and Sakaguchi M, Auditory conditioned stimulus presentation during NREM sleep impairs fear memory in mice, Sci Rep 7:46247, 2017, DOI:10.1038/srep46247


Fujinaka A¥, Li R¥, Hayashi M, Kumar D, Changarathil G, Naito K, Miki K, Nishiyama T, Lazarus M, Sakurai T, Kee N, Nakajima S, Wang SH and Sakaguchi M, Effect of context exposure after fear learning on memory generalization in mice, Mol Brain 9:2, 2016, DOI:10.1186/s13041-015-0184-0, ¥equal contribution, undergraduates at the time, Research award from the president of the university.


Sakaguchi M, Kim K, Yu LMY, Hashikawa Y, Sekine Y, Okumura Y, Kawano M, Hayashi M, Kumar D, Boyden ES, McHugh TJ and Hayashi Y, Inhibiting the activity of CA1 hippocampal neurons prevents the recall of contextual fear memory in inducible ArchT transgenic mice, Plos ONE 10(6):e0130163, 2015, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0130163


Arruda-Carvalho M, Akers KG, Guskjolen AJ, Sakaguchi M, Josselyn S and Frankland PW, Post-training ablation of adult-generated olfactory granule cells degrades odor-reward memories, J Neurosci 19;34(47):15793-803, 2014


Sakaguchi M and Hayashi Y, Catching the engram: strategies to examine the memory trace, Mol Brain 5:32, 2012


Hirota Y, Sawada M, Kida Y, Huang SH, Yamada O, Sakaguchi M, Ogura T, Okano H and Sawamoto K, Roles of planar cell polarity signaling in maturation of neuronal precursor cells in the postnatal mouse olfactory bulb, Stem Cells 30(8):1726-33, 2012


Sakaguchi M and Okano H. Neural stem cells, adult neurogenesis and galectins: from bench to bedside, Dev Neurobiol 72(7):1059-67, 2012


Stone S, Teixeira CM, Zaslavsky K, Wheeler AL, Canabal AM, Wang AH, Sakaguchi M, Lozano AM, Frankland PW, Functional Convergence of Developmentally- and Adult- Generated Granule Cells in Dentate Gyrus Circuits Supporting Hippocampus-Dependent Memory, Hippocampus 21(12):1348-62, 2011


Arruda-Carvalho M, Sakaguchi M¥, Akers KG, Josselyn SA, Frankland PW, Post-training ablation of adult-generated neurons degrades previously-acquired memories, J Neurosci 31(42):15113-27, 2011, ¥equal contribution


Yamane J¥, Ishibashi S¥, Sakaguchi M¥, Kuroiwa T, Kanemura Y, Nakamura M, Miyoshi H, Sawamoto K, Toyama Y, Mizusawa H, Okano H, Transplantation of human neural stem/progenitor cells overexpressing Galectin-1 improves functional recovery from focal brain ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil, Mol Brain 4:35, 2011, ¥equal contribution


Sakaguchi M, Arruda-Carvalho M, Kang NH, Imaizumi Y, Poirier F, Okano H, Frankland PW, Impaired spatial and contextual memory formation in galectin-1 deficient mice, Mol Brain 4(1):33, 2011


Leslie AT, Akers KG, Krakowski A, Stone S., Sakaguchi M, Arruda-Calvalho M, Frankland PW, Impact of early adverse experience on complexity of adult-generated neurons, Transl Psych 1:e35, 2011


Imaizumi Y, Sakaguchi M, Morishita T, Ito M, Poirier F, Sawamoto K, Okano H, Galectin-1 is expressed in early-type neural progenitor cells and down-regulates neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, Mol Brain 24:7, 2011


Ikeda M, Hirota Y, Sakaguchi M, Yamada O, Kida YS, Ogura T, Otsuka T, Okano H, Sawamoto K, Expression and Proliferation-Promoting Role of Diversin in the Neuronally Committed Precursor Cells Migrating in the Adult Mouse Brain., Stem Cells 28(11):2017-26, 2010


Hirota Y, Meunier A, Huang S, Shimozawa T, Yamada O, Kida YS, Inoue M, Ito T, Kato H, Sakaguchi M, Sunabori T, Nakaya M, Nonaka S, Ogura T, Higuchi H, Okano H, Spassky N, and Sawamoto K, Planar polarity of multiciliated ependymal cells involves the anterior migration of basal bodies regulated by non-muscle myosin II, Development 137(18):3037-46, 2010


Sakaguchi M, Imaizumi Y, Shingo T, Tada H, Hayama K, Yamada O, Morishita T, Kadoya T, Uchiyama N, Shimazaki T, Kuno A, Poirier F, Hirabayashi J, Sawamoto K, Okano H., Regulation of adult neural progenitor cells by Galectin-1/beta1 Integrin interaction., J Neurochem 113(6):1516-24, 2010


Akers KG, Sakaguchi M, Arruda-Carvalho M, Functional contribution of adult-generated olfactory bulb interneurons: Odor discrimination versus odor memory, J Neurosci 30(13):4523-5, 2010


Yamane J, Nakamura M, Iwanami A, Sakaguchi M, Katoh H, Yamada M, Momoshima M, Miyao S, Ishii K, Tamaoki N, Nomura T, Okano HJ, Kanemura Y, Toyama Y, Okano H, Transplantation of Galectin-1-expressing human neural stem cells into the injured spinal cord of adult common marmosets, J Neurosci Res 88(7):1394-405, 2010


Frankland PW, Sakaguchi M, Arruda-Carvalho M, Starting at the endophenotype: A role for alpha-CaMKII in schizophrenia?, Mol Brain 1:5, 2008


Ishibashi S, Kuroiwa T, Sakaguchi M, Sun L, Kadoya T, Okano H, Mizusawa H, Galectin-1 regulates neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and promotes functional recovery after stroke, Exp Neurol 207(2):302-13, 2007


Okano H, Sakaguchi M, Ohki K, Suzuki N, Sawamoto K, Regeneration of the central nervous system using endogenous repair mechanisms, J Neurochem 102(5):1459-65, 2007


Adachi K, Mirzadesh Z, Sakaguchi M, Yamashita T, Nikolcheva T, Gotoh Y, Peltz G, Gong L, Kawase T, Alvarez-Buylla A, Okano H, Sawamoto K, β-catenin signaling promotes proliferation of progenitor cells in the adult mouse subventricular zone, Stem Cells 25(11):2827-36, 2007


Sakaguchi M, Imaizumi Y and Okano H, Expression and function of galectin-1 in adult neural stem cells, Cell Mol Life Sci 64(10):1254-8, 2007


Yamashita T, Ninomiya M, Acosta PH, García-Verdugo JM, Sunabori T, Sakaguchi M, Adachi K, Kojima T, Hirota Y, Kawase T, Araki N, Abe K, Okano H, Sawamoto K, Subventricular-zone-derived neuroblasts migrate and differentiate into mature neurons in the post-stroke adult striatum, J Neurosci 26(24):6627-36, 2006


Sakaguchi M, Shingo T, Shimazaki T, Okano HJ, Shiwa M, Ishibashi S, Oguro H, Ninomiya M, Kadoya T, Horie H, Shibuya A, Mizusawa H, Poirier F, Nakauchi H, Sawamoto K, Okano H. A carbohydrate binding protein, Galectin-1, promotes proliferation of adult neural stem cells. PNAS 103(18):7112-7, 2006, Track II direct submission


Sakaguchi M, Sawamoto K, Shimazaki T, Kitamura T, Shibuya A, Okano H. A method for gene transfer, single isolation and in vitro assay for neural stem cells, Infl Regen 25(1), 50-54, 2005


Ishibashi S, Sakaguchi M, Kuroiwa T, Yamasaki M, Kanemura Y, Ichinose S, Onodera M, Shimazaki T, Okano H, Mizusawa H. Human neural stem/progenitor cells, expanded in long-term neurosphere culture, promote functional recovery after focal ischemia in Mongolian gerbils., J Neurosci Res 78(2):215-23, 2004


Mikami Y, Okano H, Sakaguchi M, Nakamura M, Shimazaki T, Okano HJ, Kawakami Y, Toyama Y, Toda M. Implantation of dendritic cells in the injured adult spinal cord results in activation of the endogenous neural/progenitor cells for de novo neurogenesis and axonal regeneration, leading to functional recovery, J Neurosci Res 76(4):453-65, 2004


Ohba H, Chiyoda T, Endo E, Yano M, Hayakawa Y, Sakaguchi M, Darnell RB, Okano HJ, Okano H. Sox21 is a repressor of neuronal differentiation and is antagonized by YB-1, Neurosci Lett 358(3):157-60, 2004


<Research Publication in Japanese>


小山一樹, 坂口昌徳, 大西立顕, 睡眠ステージを特徴づけるマウスの脳波時系列の相関次元, 信学技報, NLP2022-122 122 75-80, 2023, ISSN 2432-6380


松崎舜, 坂口昌徳, 大西立顕, 隠れマルコフモデルとランダムフォレストによるマウスの睡眠ステージ判定, 信学技報, NLP2018-123 118 143-148, 2019, ISSN 2432-6380


松崎舜, 坂口昌徳, 大西立顕, ランダムフォレストによるマウス脳波時系列を用いた睡眠ステージ判定, 数理モデル化と問題解決 2018-MPS-120 1-6, 2018, ISSN 2188-8833.



小柳伊代,坂口昌徳, シナプス可塑性,睡眠学百科事典, 丸善出版, 2024Jun, ISBN:978-4-621-30921-6


菅谷佑樹,坂口昌徳, 成体脳で新生するニューロンが、睡眠中に恐怖記憶を固定化する,医学のあゆみ 286(5):, 医歯薬出版, 2023Jul29, ISBN: in printing


坂口昌徳, 廣幡小百合, PTSDの恐怖記憶処理と新しい治療技術の開発,トラウマティック・ストレス 20(1):20-25, 金鋼出版, 2022Jun30, ISBN:9784772419086


Jiahui Yu、坂口昌徳,1-1治療の基本 身体的治療 PTSDの汎化における海馬歯状回の役割,精神科Resident 3(2):19-22, 先端医学社, 2022May20, ISSN:24358762


菅谷佑樹、坂口昌徳,成体海馬の新生ニューロンが、睡眠中に記憶を固定化する,BRAIN and NERVE 73(7):813-817, 医学書院, 2021Jul1, DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1416201841


坂口昌徳,喜田聡,PTSD の脳内機構 PTSD,恐怖記憶のメカニズムの動物実験に基づいた知見について,Clinical Neuroscience Vo.39 No.6,中外医学社,2021Jun1


小柳伊代, 新生ニューロンの低頻度活動が睡眠中の記憶固定化に必要, 神経科学ニュース, 2021Feb10

小柳伊代, 坂口昌徳, 8.1睡眠と記憶, 218-221, 睡眠学第2版, 朝倉書店, 2020Nov1, ISBN 978-4-254-30120-5 C3047


坂口昌徳, 睡眠中の脳の再生能力が記憶を定着する,実験医学 Vol.38 No.18,「カレントトピックス」,羊土社, 2020Oct23, ISBN: 978-4-7581-2537-6


小柳伊代, 坂口昌徳, 睡眠中の新生ニューロンの活動とその記憶固定化への役割の解明, 神経化学トピックス, 2020Aug7, DOI 10.11481/topics1292017


長谷川 夏, 手塚太郎, 小柳 伊代, 坂口昌徳, レム睡眠中の脳の再生能力が記憶を定着させる – 睡眠中の記憶固定化のメカニズムにせまる, academistJournal, 2020Aug3


小柳伊代, 李若詩, 藤中彩乃, 坂口昌徳, トラウマ記憶を弱めるには – マウスの記憶・睡眠研究から考えるPTSDケア, academistJournal, 2017Jul26

大石誠, 中島聡美, 坂口昌徳, The importance of acute intervention for preventing generalization in PTSD patients, 医学のあゆみ, 258(13):1209-1210, 2016


坂口昌徳, 脳内で新生するニューロンと中枢神経再生への応用, ブレインサイエンスレビュー, 廣川 信隆(編), クバプロ(出), 2016


Sakaguchi M, Sawamoto K, Okano H, Recombinant sugar binding proteins and their functional analysis: Galectin-1, GlycoPOD, JCGGDB, 2011


今泉 陽一, 坂口 昌徳, 岡野 栄之, Galectin, 分子細胞治療, 先端医学社 6, 80-1, 2007


坂口昌徳, 今泉陽一, 澤本和延, 岡野栄之, 糖鎖結合タンパク質Galectin-1は成体脳内の神経幹細胞の増殖を促進させる, 細胞工学, Hot Press, 秀潤社 25:912-913, 2006Jul22, ISSN:0287-3796

Okano H, Kohyama J, Ohba H, Sakaguchi M,Tokunaga A, Shimazaki T and Okano HJ, Neural stem cells: Isolation and self-renewal. In Tissue Stem Cells; Biology & Applications, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, New York,2006,pp55-70

坂口昌徳, 澤本和延,岡野栄之,“神経再生医療”看護のための最新医学講座 第一章 これからの治療法 神経再生医療 p.88-92中山書店, 2005

坂口昌徳, 砂堀毅彦, 澤本和延,岡野栄之,脳・神経の発生・再生, 発生・再生イラストマップ, 上野直人, 野地澄春編, 羊土社, 139-48, 2005

二宮 充喜子, 澤本 和延, 坂口 昌徳, 岡野 栄之,神経幹細胞, 医学のあゆみ 212(10):865-8, 2005